
Vacation in Hong Kong City

Lamma, Lantau and Cheung Chau Island most visitors. Islands and beautiful scenery, this bustling metropolis of Hong Kong, another landscape.

Hong Kong's outlying islands because of geographical differences in historical background and uneven development in the landscape features, human morals on colorful.

According to statistics of the Hong Kong Tourism Board, 10 percent of tourists visited the islands. Today, the Islands is not only a weekend retreat in Hong Kong, the Mainland has become a "backpacker" in the new place. Walk around the island, scenery. Here tortuous coastline, secluded beaches and beautiful, away from the hustle and bustle; unique form of rock weathering and water erosion; fishing villagers who live together with foreign mixed office, living carefree and fun.

Long Island has a traditional charm, the shop highlights the Chinese characteristics, so that mainland tourists feel more friendly easy-going; coastline stretching changing, bathing facilities, complete; island landscape a lot, easy to improvise choice. Magnificent peaks of Lantau Island, stretching along the narrow strait. Valley rich in natural plain flavor, a variety of marsh habitat. There are some plants that mountain. Along the trail can be visited occupies a corner of the village. Monastery bell long, well --- the world's largest bronze Buddha.

Lamma Island in Hong Kong one of the most charming, narrow terrain, the size of the Gulf coast there are many. Two large villages on the island there are many open-air restaurants, Hong Kong residents live in harmony with the outsiders, living very comfortable lives. This not only retains the characteristics of China's coastal islands, but also the rich European style.

There are four marine parks in Hong Kong, Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park, Yan Chau Tong Marine Park, Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park and Tung Ping Chau Marine Park, which is becoming a weekend and holiday visitors to Hong Kong and hiking events. Tung Ping Chau Marine Park, "Ping rocks", referred to as Hong Kong's "four wonders" of the first; Hoi Ha Wan is known by many coral species. Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park, rich in ecological resources is a major Chinese white dolphin foraging locations.

For more information, please shift to China Tour.

