
Travel China: Wulingyuan Scenic Area in Hunan

By the National Tourism Administration, Deputy Secretary discipline members of the Ombudsman Qi Lijuan led national 5A tourist attractions inspection group in Hunan Tourism Bureau Yuan Xinhua, accompanied by the creation of Wulingyuan national 5A tourist attractions for a period China Travel of three days of inspection and acceptance. National test data collection is divided into inspection, site inspection and sampling of three parts questionnaire visitors. During the inspection team, after careful examination, on December 28 morning in Zhangjiajie International Hotel Conference held in check and acceptance work. At Qi Lijuan, head of Zhangjiajie tourism created a work of commenting, Wulingyuan District Secretary DU Ya-ling, Zhangjiajie City, Mayor Hu Bojun position has to make speeches. Yuan Xinhua Secretary also made an important speech.

Qi Lijuan Zhangjiajie scenic spot on the head to create work and make a very high rating: Wulingyuan special tourist area location, at the western junction, in the less developed on the basis of the young tourist area. With the development of tourism, Wulingyuan has a number of flagship tourism, tourism has been rapid economic development, tourism and the leading role is obvious, indeed the Hunan tourism leader, well-known tourism brand, is all the conditions are ripe the area. Since the start the 5A level scenic spots  China Tours in the first half since its founding, the provincial, municipal and district levels of government have attached great importance, in accordance with instructions of Provincial Party Secretary Zhang Chunxian, put a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to create remarkable results achieved, tourism transport, tour system, travel safe, scenic environment, ecological protection, tourism and services management, have been fully upgraded, the most prominent development in the area closely linked with modern technology, scenic digital construction, traffic control systems, tourism toilets, integrated services to a new height ; humane management with a vibrant team, focusing on ideological education, the advanced nature of party members to be fully reflected the emergence of Zhao Mingjian so many heroes and models, to establish a tourism industry, righteousness, 5A class has been created to promote the tourist attractions to enhance the brand effective means.For more information, please shift to China Tour

1 条评论:

  1. This is one amazing place to go to. I really think it is wonderful and majestic.
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