
China Travel: Hui-Hang Ancient Road

In order to further promote China's third largest mining and Trail - Trail Huihang deep cultural connotation of the formation of local characteristics with Lin'an tourism products, thus further expanding the visibility and Lin'an tourist influence, and use it as an opportunity to point, and beads into the line, and gradually form the horse, Xiao Lin Qingliangfeng tourism region block, September 24, 2011, by the Municipal Government, Zhejiang Lin'an, Lin'an tourist bureau hosted "China Huihang Trail Cultural Tourism Festival" will be ten Gap area organized.
Huihang Road west of Huizhou Jixi V Zhen, Lin'an City, Zhejiang Province, east town Qingliangfeng (formerly Maxiaoxiang), located north of Qingliangfeng National Nature Reserve, north of Mount Huangshan, Mount south length of 17 kilometers, Huizhou and Hangzhou, linked in ancient times an important link, the best preserved section of the winding stone steps Jixi County Trail, is the essence of Huihang trail. According to historical records, this trail as early as the Tang Dynasty had Xiu. Trail history Huihang merchants and Zhejiang important channel of trade exchange.
Now, in Lin'an Huihang trail segment retains a rich cultural heritage, rich cultural meaning dry village, known as the "Trail Huihang first village" of Zhejiang Kawamura has many ancient relics and other villages. In the ancient village ruins, the Chen Clan Temple Church, Hanshizhong tomb, dutiful son Shrine been listed as provincial, municipal units. Tourism Festival during the event, there will be Lin'an Changhua area is rich in local flavor of life, "Lee Sambo", "ten Embroider Pouch", "Ma Xiao roll light", "Qi Wang expedition" and other performances, as well as unique style "Three Tea", "flood and drought package" and other food, people taste the food at the same time, can feel heavy Huihang trail history and culture.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Travel: Shanghai 2011 Tourism Plan

Around the Shanghai building "world-famous tourist city" development goals, on how to "second Five Year Plan" a solid footing, the Shanghai Tourism Bureau policies and regulations in August 15, 2011 held in Qingpu, "the Seventh Shanghai Tourism Experts seminar ", in good faith to the Shanghai tourism academics and industry experts to seek teacher asked to teach, brainstorming. Qingpu District, Shanghai Municipal Tourism Bureau and Tourism Bureau attended the meeting.

The seminar "Building world-famous tourist city - the operation of thinking" as the theme, divided into "tourism public service system", "destination development" and "travel training" three discussion sections. More than 30 experts gave their views, have achieved the construction of Shanghai's goal of world-famous tourist city offer advice and suggestions. Qingpu District Tourism Bureau official to the participating experts of the Qingpu tourism "five" development of ideas and vision experts to deepen the development of tourism in Qingpu, a lively exploration. Elite expert opinions of you, think deep, warm atmosphere lively discussion.

Municipal Bureau of Tourism has long been concerned about the Speech on the development of tourism, Shanghai, thanked the experts, and pointed out that although the Shanghai Tourism has been a foundation, but still long way to go, many aspects need to upgrade and break, hope experts can continue to support Shanghai tourism industry, the tourism industry in Shanghai's new round development of their suggestions.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Travel: Thousands Islets Lake Website

Recently, a new revision to upgrade Lake travel on-line test run. The site is Chun'an scenic Lake Tourism website, established in 2002, after several revision, the current form has Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, and Traditional five versions in four languages ​​the site group, the purpose is to showcase Lake tourism resources, travel products and services to provide online travel portal authority.

Lake Tourism Network has been awarded "Outstanding scenic sites" title, and organized the "Thousand Island Lake woman island main call-up orders," "Expo next, Silk Lake", "female island main tour along Lake" , "Lake tourism Amoy Paradise" and other network programs will attract a large number of users concerned, was awarded the Zhejiang Tourism Bureau, "the province's tourism information advanced unit" honorary title.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Travel: Lute Bay Holland Festival

Shining Lotus Swiss, Ting-ting out of the water. Recently, the "2011 Netherlands color and aroma," the first lute Bay Holland Festival opening ceremony was held at Piper's Cove Ecological Farm. Netherlands Holland Festival in this culture as the carrier, to enhance tourism and culture.
Opening ceremony, the organizers we offer a variety of cultural performances, the beautiful sounds of women's solo, a mysterious magic show, rock flavor of the red song skewers, as well as classical dance elegant rhyme, for the current culture of the Netherlands Festival opening a wonderful gift.
The current charge of cultural festivals will continue until the end of August, during the cultural festival in the Netherlands, the majority of visitors not only enjoy the beauty of ten thousand flowers bloom together, to experience the Hawthorn mining Lianpeng leisurely boat, but also can participate in charge style photography race, youth painting competition, exhibition and other exciting activities lotus plants, more delicate and delicious "Lotus feast" for tourists tasting.
As the festival will be held this charge to Pipa Bay Ecological Farm is "2011 West Lake in Hangzhou • Zhuji Xishiguli Lotus will be" one of the recommended major Shanghe point, therefore, the current charge for the majority of visitors to the festival also introduced a "reward Netherlands, lotus, lotus banquet leisure day trips products "tourist route, so that each charge to attend this festival visitors can enjoy the fragrance of blue lotus charge, clear water and a lotus's charming, elegant and had a Netherlands rhyme leisurely summer.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Travel in Yunnan

The afternoon of August 6, Yunnan Tourism Association Travel Photography inaugural meeting in Kunming Branch of the wind shadow at the image gallery, Yunnan Provincial Tourism Bureau inspector, the Provincial Tourism Industry Association, Yuan Guanghan, Vice Chairman of Yunnan Photographers Liu Jianming, Yunnan Tourism industry Association vice president, General Cao Haonan and other leaders attended the inaugural meeting. The General Assembly elected the Tourism Industry Association of Yunnan Province, the first branch of the Council travel photography, executive director of the Association and the person in charge. Well-known travel photographer, Yunnan, Yunnan Provincial Tourism Information Center Huanglin Wu was elected the first president of the Association.

In recent years, with the rapid development of tourism in Yunnan, the growing ranks of travel photographers, travel photography by growing concern and love. However, the lack of a travel photography enthusiasts exchange, communication, learning and improvement platform. In order to better organize and guide the tourist photographers, Yunnan tourism promotion platform to further expand and promote the development of the tourism industry in Yunnan, Yunnan Travel Photography Association will hold a variety of topics in various forms and travel photography contest, photography exhibition and folk songs ; to carry out reviews and travel photography travel photography theoretical research activities, summarize and exchange travel photography experience; travel photography seminars and training courses held; carry out various exchange activities, travel photography, travel photography and cultural development, dissemination of knowledge of travel photography, promotion of tourism resources in Yunnan, services, tourism development in Yunnan.

In the inaugural meeting, Yunnan Tourism Association president to Qujing Luo Yuan Guanghan County Tourism Bureau, Chuxiong South County Tourism Bureau and Kunming International Butterfly Park, Lilliput awarded Yunnan travel photography scenic base plaque, the association's newly elected President Huang Linwu branch on behalf of travel photography were the focus with the new photographic equipment Co., Ltd. Kunming and Kunming Wuhua Lotto sales of automotive supplies car journey of life and other units of the company signed a cooperation agreement.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Travel: Anhui 2011 Tours

Recently, Anhui Province "in 2011 my favorite tourist attractions, travel agencies, tourist hotels" to enter the contest online voting phase, the voting deadline is at 9:00 on August 25. The first event for 2011, "China Tourism Day" celebrations of Anhui Tourism. The province's 17 Municipal Bureau of Tourism (Commission) recommended the 413 tourism units of a common competition 30 "My favorite tourist attractions, travel agencies, tourist hotel" title.

In this year's "5.19" first "China Tourism Day" before the arrival of Anhui Tourism Bureau in the province within the context of the tourism industry "in 2011 my favorite tourist attractions, travel agencies, tourist hotel" contest, as of July 24 , the province's 17 cities Tourism Board (Committee) recommended screening a total of 413 tourist attractions, travel agencies and tourist hotels participate in the selection. Among them, Huangshan City, Huangshan Scenic Area, Xidi, Tang more arch group, Xin'anjiang landscape gallery, Qiyun, 20 Taiping Lake and other scenic spots; Huangshan City, China Travel Service, Huayuan International Travel Service of Huangshan, Huangshan International Tourism Co., wilderness companies, 43 travel agencies; Huangshan international Hotel, Huangshan Pine Golf Club, West Huangshan hotel, Huangshan Beihai Hotel and other tourist hotels participate in selection 28, tourist attractions, travel agencies and tourist hotels run the province ranks first in quantity.

It is understood that the selection into Internet voting, experts score and overall score of three links, including experts from the public satisfaction, tourism and corporate reputation, improve internal management systems and implementation, whether received administrative punishment, the impression of five experts aspects of the score for a major safety accidents and major tourist complaints of enterprises will be a veto. Eventually, the composite score in each category the top 10 tourism enterprises, will receive Anhui tourism "my favorite" title. The industry believes that, in Anhui Province "in 2011 my favorite tourist attractions, travel agencies, tourist hotels," the contest will help to further enhance the tourism industry, service quality, promote tourism, business credit management, optimization of the overall tourism environment.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Tour: Dongpin Folklore Festival

"What is born straight Yo, what was born without eyes ..." Last year, the third East-screen Tanabata customs, "folk song competition will be" the classic song after another on the minds of Taiwanese songs still seem to reverberate. In a flash, the fourth screen Tanabata East folk winds plot will also be held on August 6 in Dongtou Dongping Street East Ao fishing began.

Ocean Village folk culture tours, island tours feature folk performances, traditional view of adult worship ceremonies, product Tanabata blessing Thanksgiving feast. Continuation of this year's Tanabata Festival in the traditional folk ritual, based on the concept in the day, tours, travel, play activities, part of the cultural elements into the new. Tanabata Festival to participate in the majority of tourists not only visit the Temple of Chen House, scholar house, enrichment and other characteristics of residential housing, but also to experience weaving fishing nets, fishing crafts such as carved shuttle. Meanwhile, organizers are still the afternoon hours of 14:00 and 15:00 two arranged two unique folk performances, to keep the tourists to see them.
"Every year over Tanabata, th session of the offer, Tanabata folk style plot on the island has successfully held three Dongtou, unlike previous years, this year we will add originality to 'emotional ties to one hundred islands, love Tanabata' theme friends bonfire party. "According to the Dongping street Party Working Committee member, Lin Min, deputy director of the Office of introduction, activities, evening bonfire party of friends will be" interactive games, carnival mask, "" Meet Magpie Bridge, confession of love, "" edge copies of the sky, love the release of the "three large pieces of content to carry out, to keep the tourists in the concept, tours, tour, playing in close to the ocean, experience folk. Young friends also in the romantic "Chinese Valentine's Day" in search of their own fate, a romantic encounter, beautiful love.

It is understood that the Tanabata festival, a traditional festival as Dongtou, tradition has lasted for 300 years, has never stopped between the impact is very wide. In 2009, Dongtou the Tanabata festival also included in the adult non-material cultural heritage, Zhejiang Province.For more information, please shift to China Tour


Wuzhong National Day Tour

"October" Golden Week will be temporary, the Qingtongxia Yellow Wuzhong some of the major attractions in the Grand Canyon into the middle of September has been booming up. The yacht, 108 tower nearly a thousand people on reception of tourists.

This year, the Tourism Bureau Wuzhong increased foreign tourism promotion, first published in Wuzhong traffic tourist map; printed 5,000 copies of tourist publicity pictures; printed 600 copies of travel of citizens to enhance the quality of the publicity posters and other distribution areas (spots), posted tourism promotion slogan, and has invited the media tourism development, played a very good publicity. Meanwhile, the Municipal Bureau of Tourism has increased the tourism safety inspection, standardized management area, requiring all scenic spots in the "October" Golden Week, ticket prices do not rise, tickets, commodity price tag. In mid-September, the gradual warming of the tourist scenic spots, visitors to the Qingtongxia more to the Yellow River Grand Canyon and more. According to incomplete statistics, nearly 1,000 people a day received. Further increase during the weekend, the rapid growth of tourists, led Wuzhong various scenic tourist city.For more information, please shift to China Tour


2011 China West Lake Fashion Expo Mascot

Jingjing Maskottchen Puppen, Hugh Bo-Version von "Bild", am schönen Lake of the dynamischen 3D-Postkarten gedruckt ... ... am 27. Juli in der Freizeit Expo und dem Westen wird das erste lizenzierte Produkt, das empfohlene Produkt-Review-Sitzung sein, 120 verfügt über eine Vielzahl von Produkten mit off-Bo verabschiedete das "test", dem ersten Ende des nächsten Monats und wird off-line off-Bo Fair Mall Auflistung.

Um eine bessere Kommunikation Leisure Expo und dem Westen wird die Marke zu beeinflussen, um mehr Unternehmen mit hervorragenden Plattform für Ausstellungs-Display zu helfen und zu fördern Corporate Image, und besser an die allgemeine Öffentlichkeit und die Touristen mit einer Fülle von Tour Erinnerungsstücke, in diesem Jahr Leisure Expo stützt sich auf die positiven Erfahrungen der Shanghai World Expo, das Land Ende Mai für das Sammeln Freizeit Expo lizenzierte Produkte. Sorgfältig ausgewählte, Organisatoren von der ersten Charge von 30 Unternehmen in der Erklärung der endgültigen Bestätigung von Hangzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing und Hongkong die 13 lizenzierten Herstellern. Das Review-Meeting, 13 Hersteller eingereicht insgesamt 141 lizenzierten Produkten Abschnitt.

Leisure Expo am 17. September nach der Eröffnung der lizenzierten Produkte werden über verschiedene Kanäle vermarktet voll werden. Öffentliche Freunden in Horse Lake, Lake Xianghu drei Xiuboyuan Stadtpark Franchise-Läden, Post bezeichnete Geschäfte, Taobao Mall Geschäfte, und ein Teil des West Point und an anderen Orten des öffentlichen Fahrradverleih erwerben.
Berichten zufolge Hugh Messe auch die Einrichtung eines Franchise in anderen Formen, wie Leisure Expo empfohlene Produkte, Online-Händler und andere Freizeit Expo, zur gleichen Zeit, wird die Rekrutierung von lizenzierten Produkten weiter zu arbeiten, wo Geschäftsideen im Einklang mit off-Bo das Thema, hat einen guten Ruf und Image der Hersteller und Händler durch die Freizeit Expo offiziellen Website (www.wl-expo.com) Kandidaten.For more information, please shift to China Tour