
China Travel: Hui-Hang Ancient Road

In order to further promote China's third largest mining and Trail - Trail Huihang deep cultural connotation of the formation of local characteristics with Lin'an tourism products, thus further expanding the visibility and Lin'an tourist influence, and use it as an opportunity to point, and beads into the line, and gradually form the horse, Xiao Lin Qingliangfeng tourism region block, September 24, 2011, by the Municipal Government, Zhejiang Lin'an, Lin'an tourist bureau hosted "China Huihang Trail Cultural Tourism Festival" will be ten Gap area organized.
Huihang Road west of Huizhou Jixi V Zhen, Lin'an City, Zhejiang Province, east town Qingliangfeng (formerly Maxiaoxiang), located north of Qingliangfeng National Nature Reserve, north of Mount Huangshan, Mount south length of 17 kilometers, Huizhou and Hangzhou, linked in ancient times an important link, the best preserved section of the winding stone steps Jixi County Trail, is the essence of Huihang trail. According to historical records, this trail as early as the Tang Dynasty had Xiu. Trail history Huihang merchants and Zhejiang important channel of trade exchange.
Now, in Lin'an Huihang trail segment retains a rich cultural heritage, rich cultural meaning dry village, known as the "Trail Huihang first village" of Zhejiang Kawamura has many ancient relics and other villages. In the ancient village ruins, the Chen Clan Temple Church, Hanshizhong tomb, dutiful son Shrine been listed as provincial, municipal units. Tourism Festival during the event, there will be Lin'an Changhua area is rich in local flavor of life, "Lee Sambo", "ten Embroider Pouch", "Ma Xiao roll light", "Qi Wang expedition" and other performances, as well as unique style "Three Tea", "flood and drought package" and other food, people taste the food at the same time, can feel heavy Huihang trail history and culture.For more information, please shift to China Tour

