
China Tour: Dongpin Folklore Festival

"What is born straight Yo, what was born without eyes ..." Last year, the third East-screen Tanabata customs, "folk song competition will be" the classic song after another on the minds of Taiwanese songs still seem to reverberate. In a flash, the fourth screen Tanabata East folk winds plot will also be held on August 6 in Dongtou Dongping Street East Ao fishing began.

Ocean Village folk culture tours, island tours feature folk performances, traditional view of adult worship ceremonies, product Tanabata blessing Thanksgiving feast. Continuation of this year's Tanabata Festival in the traditional folk ritual, based on the concept in the day, tours, travel, play activities, part of the cultural elements into the new. Tanabata Festival to participate in the majority of tourists not only visit the Temple of Chen House, scholar house, enrichment and other characteristics of residential housing, but also to experience weaving fishing nets, fishing crafts such as carved shuttle. Meanwhile, organizers are still the afternoon hours of 14:00 and 15:00 two arranged two unique folk performances, to keep the tourists to see them.
"Every year over Tanabata, th session of the offer, Tanabata folk style plot on the island has successfully held three Dongtou, unlike previous years, this year we will add originality to 'emotional ties to one hundred islands, love Tanabata' theme friends bonfire party. "According to the Dongping street Party Working Committee member, Lin Min, deputy director of the Office of introduction, activities, evening bonfire party of friends will be" interactive games, carnival mask, "" Meet Magpie Bridge, confession of love, "" edge copies of the sky, love the release of the "three large pieces of content to carry out, to keep the tourists in the concept, tours, tour, playing in close to the ocean, experience folk. Young friends also in the romantic "Chinese Valentine's Day" in search of their own fate, a romantic encounter, beautiful love.

It is understood that the Tanabata festival, a traditional festival as Dongtou, tradition has lasted for 300 years, has never stopped between the impact is very wide. In 2009, Dongtou the Tanabata festival also included in the adult non-material cultural heritage, Zhejiang Province.For more information, please shift to China Tour

