
Wuzhong National Day Tour

"October" Golden Week will be temporary, the Qingtongxia Yellow Wuzhong some of the major attractions in the Grand Canyon into the middle of September has been booming up. The yacht, 108 tower nearly a thousand people on reception of tourists.

This year, the Tourism Bureau Wuzhong increased foreign tourism promotion, first published in Wuzhong traffic tourist map; printed 5,000 copies of tourist publicity pictures; printed 600 copies of travel of citizens to enhance the quality of the publicity posters and other distribution areas (spots), posted tourism promotion slogan, and has invited the media tourism development, played a very good publicity. Meanwhile, the Municipal Bureau of Tourism has increased the tourism safety inspection, standardized management area, requiring all scenic spots in the "October" Golden Week, ticket prices do not rise, tickets, commodity price tag. In mid-September, the gradual warming of the tourist scenic spots, visitors to the Qingtongxia more to the Yellow River Grand Canyon and more. According to incomplete statistics, nearly 1,000 people a day received. Further increase during the weekend, the rapid growth of tourists, led Wuzhong various scenic tourist city.For more information, please shift to China Tour

