
China Travel: Shanghai 2011 Tourism Plan

Around the Shanghai building "world-famous tourist city" development goals, on how to "second Five Year Plan" a solid footing, the Shanghai Tourism Bureau policies and regulations in August 15, 2011 held in Qingpu, "the Seventh Shanghai Tourism Experts seminar ", in good faith to the Shanghai tourism academics and industry experts to seek teacher asked to teach, brainstorming. Qingpu District, Shanghai Municipal Tourism Bureau and Tourism Bureau attended the meeting.

The seminar "Building world-famous tourist city - the operation of thinking" as the theme, divided into "tourism public service system", "destination development" and "travel training" three discussion sections. More than 30 experts gave their views, have achieved the construction of Shanghai's goal of world-famous tourist city offer advice and suggestions. Qingpu District Tourism Bureau official to the participating experts of the Qingpu tourism "five" development of ideas and vision experts to deepen the development of tourism in Qingpu, a lively exploration. Elite expert opinions of you, think deep, warm atmosphere lively discussion.

Municipal Bureau of Tourism has long been concerned about the Speech on the development of tourism, Shanghai, thanked the experts, and pointed out that although the Shanghai Tourism has been a foundation, but still long way to go, many aspects need to upgrade and break, hope experts can continue to support Shanghai tourism industry, the tourism industry in Shanghai's new round development of their suggestions.For more information, please shift to China Tour

