
China Travel: China Wolfberry Museum

June 28, lasted three years, invested 30 million yuan to build Chinese wolfberry Pavilion in Yinchuan Desheng Industrial Park, completed and opened. It is understood that the museum by the Chinese forest association, Association of Ningxia wolfberry, Ningxia wolfberry Industry Development Co., Ltd. Xia Bairui source planning, the museum to showcase the wolfberry health culture, including "Shan Hai Jing", "member China Travel leaves and white? (Fu), Chinese red and black grounds, in fact, such as orange, children and grandchildren should eat "in the earliest description of the contents of wolfberry, a Shang oracle bone inscriptions," the Book of Songs "," Compendium of Materia Medica "and a lot of historical documents and accounts of wolfberry. The museum also shows the oldest method of wolfberry cultivation, farming tools, and introduced the modern green wolfberry wolfberry processing process and health knowledge.

According to the Chinese wolfberry overall responsibility for library construction, Ning Xia Bairui source Wolfberry Industry Development Co., Ltd. Hao Xiangfeng that, China Tours to gather information, build a museum during the organization of the six major national wolfberry Group conducted a comprehensive survey the main producing areas, collected a large number of ancient books, and repeatedly visited the authorities and private collectors. Museum of Chinese wolfberry completed, will help to improve the region's tourism and cultural taste, and effective promotion of Ningxia Ningxia wolfberry industry healthy and rapid development of tourism industry. For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Mountain Putuo Comes to Peak Time

With the June 18, "the Tenth China Jinzhou North Putuo Caisang Festival" The successful holding of the North Putuo Mountain area after the summer of this year ushered in the real tourist season, the team from outside the province of large travel and traveling by car substantial increase in the China Travel amount of tourists, bustling area into the state.
It is understood that all along, Jinzhou North Putuo Mountain Scenic Area are very focused management, service and tourism promotion, etc., so that area greatly enhance the reputation and visibility, the amount of tourists every year upward trend. Since entering the tourist season this year, North Putuo Mountain scenery getting better, the tourists have come from outside the province to the north of Mount Putuo outing tour. Many city people but also about fitness and recreation here beautiful natural and human environment, to the area on weekends and holidays within the exercise play. To develop the tourism industry in the area, while making full use of its advantages, accompanied by mulberry unique tourism and culture, will "take Sang" into a unique culture and brand, as well as Jinzhou North Putuo Mountain, a scenic and cultural industries, strong development of the tourist attractions and cultural. Caisang Festival not only loved by the people, but the North Putuo Mountain in virtually brand image and was widely disseminated.
The mining Sang Festival, North Putuo Mountain area is the tenth event of the Liaison Office. Sang taken during the festival, North Putuo area arranged for visitors wonderful China Tours cultural performances and folk culture show, the introduction of Jinzhou civil snacks and native products; also interact with visitors, was held in the scenic area rich variety of activities, including mountain climbing search Bao, mining Sang Competition, "Impression North Putuo Mountain" photo contest, not only enriched the festival content and convenient for tourists from all over the country, giving visitors a memorable stay.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Red Tour Started from Zhejiang

25 am, "glorious history, lively practice - Communist Party of China, Zhejiang Province, to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the exhibition" and the Zhejiang Province, "100 City people look for the red mark" activities in Zhejiang World Trade Center Plaza was China Travel officially opened. Provincial Secretary, Provincial People's Congress Zhao Zhu, Provincial Committee, Governor Lu Zushan, the provincial CPPCC Chairman Qiao Chuanxiu attended. Provincial leaders attended the event along with Chen Miner, Huang Kunming, Ge Huijun, Mao Linsheng, Cai Qi, etc. Tourism Bureau, Zhejiang Province, Zhao Jinyong, Wei, deputy director of vermilion and other leaders also attended the event.

The opening ceremony, the provincial leadership presented to the municipal exhibition tour CD, presented to representatives from various circles, "Let history tell us" books. Zhejiang Province to participate in "A Better City, people look for the red mark" activities search team flag. The exhibition , China Tours June 25 to July 5 at the Zhejiang World Trade Center on display. Exhibition is divided into the revolutionary tide, exploring the way forward, and create a new three-part, displaying images of more than 350 pieces, 120 pieces of real and simulated parts, to show our party in a time of blood and fire with the temper of heroic progressive refinement the glorious history, the history of both the heavy accumulation, but also a strong flavor of the times.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China West Lake was Listed as World Heritage

HANGZHOU, June 25 Xinhua, 24 June in Paris at the World Heritage Committee, 35th Congress, "China Hangzhou West Lake Cultural Landscape" was included in China Travel the new World Heritage List. The news from Hangzhou, West Lake, after the World Heritage List will adhere to the "six no."

Hangzhou People's Congress Chairman, Lake inscription group leader, said Wang Guoping, the inscription is designed to protect Lake West Lake, for the benefit of future generations, to live for a 2000 West Lake. West Lake West Lake is always to protect the eternal theme. West Lake in Hangzhou will be  China Tours a successful starting point for the new inscription, in strict accordance with the requirements of the World Heritage protection, consciously abide by the World Heritage Convention, the development of the implementation of "Hangzhou West Lake Cultural Landscape Protection and Management Regulations", to the "Hangzhou West Lake Cultural Landscape Conservation Management Plan" adhere to the "protection first, the cities" for the nation and take good care of the West Lake, the world's human heritage for future generations to leave this valuable asset. For more information, please shift to China Tour


Huangshan Songluo Tea Cultural Tourism Festival

 the reporter learned from Xiuning People's Government, 2011 Huangshan China Tea Culture Tourism Festival off Ningsong Luo will be opened on April 8. Xiuning Golden China Travel Triangle is the core of producing Chinese green tea, green tea export of China's first county. A long history of tea production, tea is rich in resources, the county garden area of ​​20 mu, annual output 7338 tons of dry tea, the output value of 3.2 billion.

Currently, Xiuning has set up a 2011 off-Ning Songluo Huangshan China Tea Culture Tourism Festival Organizing Committee, and put up a large amount of money "off Ningsong Luo" best logo and slogan Solicitation best creative activities to promote Xiuning tea break Ningsong Luo brand integration and revitalization of the brand. According to the person in charge of the organizing committee, Xiuning Usnea Tea Culture Tourism Festival on April 8, Manor opened in Hai Duong, and period from March to June, fine tea auction held in Usnea, Usnea tea health Forum China Tours "links Xiuning, tea-folk songs "series," Usnea sea "to explore the activities and Xiuning tea into Shanghai, Beijing and other Usnea Tea Culture Tourism Festival series of events to highlight the tea, tea and enjoy the tea, on the tea." four action "towards the adoption of high-level, large-scale public campaign, let more people know about Xiuning tea, acknowledged the" off Ningsong Luo, "brands, to promote development of tea industry and farmers Xiuning income.For more information, please shift to China Tour


Changxing China National Geographical Park

Eternal Golden Nail declared global Permian Changxing County - Triassic boundary stratotype geological nature reserve land and resources remains popular base, China Travel has passed the Ministry of Land Resources Division of International Cooperation Science and Technology and expert review, a second batch of state land and resources science base. This Changxing County, a booming tourism industry Adds gold card.

Changxing gold nail was successfully named the national science base for the second batch of land and resources.
Changxing "Golden Nail" is recognized as the world's scientists, is the world's three largest geological history dating "Golden Nail" is one of the world for the evolution of life on Earth, Earth's geological evolution, geological standards for science education and scientific research base, the country for paleontology, geology, stratigraphy science education one of the important science facilities.

The Eternal Golden Nail get another China Tours "national card" on the Changxing County tourism will play a positive role in promoting development. It is reported that the area will use the national popular science education base, the State Land Resources science base and other tourism resources, and actively carry out science education tour to let more people into the Eternal Golden Nail, feel its unique geological and cultural tourism appeal. For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Red Tour Fair Opened in Jiangxi

Red Tourism Fair has been held for six years in Jiangxi, and all previous difference is, this year's red Fair by the Jiangxi Provincial Government and the National Tourism Council, the country's 14 provinces (municipalities) Tourism and travel to 16 major red to participate, to truly become China Travel a national tourist industry event. Such a high activity, the most representative and influential of the main logo which in turn will bring new surprises? Recently, the "red tourism red song loud and clear" red tourism Expo 2011 China unveiled its logo in Nanchang mystery.

It is reported that Red China Tourism Expo 2011, will be held in Nanchang on July 1 on the big screen. Fair will focus on the current red, "red tourism, red song loud and clear," the theme, held a "red tourism red song loud and clear --2,011 Red China National Tourism Expo opening ceremony and China Tours red to celebrate 90th anniversary of founding tourism big concert scene "China's Internet red Song contest 2011 and 2011 and the Fourth China Tourism China tourism Crafts Fair Arts and Crafts design work (writing) contest and other activities.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Railways Transportation Arrangement

National Railway Shuyun year on July 1st. Average daily passenger flow is expected to Shuyun passenger traffic volume will reach 589 million. This year Shu Yun, the Beijing-Shanghai high speed railway operators and railway in the second phase of the transfer plan after the first Shuyun. China Travel Rail transport from summer this year, July 1 until August 31. The national railway 365 million people will send passengers, an increase of 4127 million, an increase of 12.7%, of which 128 million people sent through passenger, an increase of 1086 million, an increase of 9.3 percent.

Summer, the Railway Administration Bureau arranged additional long-distance cross through 42 pairs of passenger trains, Figure scheduled trains run to extend the section 3 pairs. Ministry of Railways said that this year will be passenger rail summer tourism, holiday resort, passenger-oriented students, China Tours in which tourist flows throughout Shuyun. Passenger will focus on the Beijing-Harbin, Beijing-Shanghai, Beijing-Kowloon, Beijing-Guangzhou, Shanghai and Kunming, Lianyungang, Hunan, Guangxi, Jiao Liu, Xiang Yu, Pou and other major trunk roads and major tourist cities, attractions and summer resorts. In addition, late August, Xi'an, Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Taiyuan, Lanzhou and Chengdu Railway Bureau, working a lot of travel into Xinjiang cotton picker, shares will form Shuyun another passenger.For more information, please shift to China Tour


2011 China International Tourism Commodity Fair

June 13, 2011 China International Tourism Commodity Fair to promote the work of the organizing committee will convene, Xiu Xian Yiwu Municipal Committee attended the meeting.

Yiwu Municipal Bureau of Tourism, Convention China Travel and Exhibition Office, Waiqiao, Trade and Industry Bureau, the Mall Group and other relevant units, reported on activities show the progress of the preparatory work. The current exhibition of the preparatory work has entered the final sprint stage, the main exhibition hall is nearly complete in the breeze, the participants inside and outside guests one after another to confirm.

After listening to the reports, the preparations for Xiu Xian affirmed, while the next phase of deployment. Xiu Xian said, the overall 2011 International Tourism Commodity Fair careful design, the preparatory work to promote the orderly and display in various forms, the exhibition reflects the international, professional, marketing and branding of the exhibition idea. Related to format China Tours and display the content on the depth of excavation, have expanded in breadth, reflecting the authority, expertise and innovation.

Xiu Xian requirements put in place to ensure that all work smoothly to achieve the set goals, undertake tasks related to the exhibition program departments to refine the existing program based on sound; the implementation process to achieve the coordination of relevant departments. Organizational efforts to increase the buyers, through Waiqiao, mall groups and even foreign hotels and other publicity for the exhibition; masters doing arts and crafts exhibition of large-scale activities of the security work to ensure the safety of exhibits; deepen Shopping and Tourism Festival and other market linkage activities, good organization, increase market interaction; the Bureau of intellectual property rights to be earnestly exhibits monitoring, control booth transfer of information, to secure follow-up supervision. For more information, please shift to China Tour


Business in China Ancient Water Towns

To Zhoucun Street, when the Lao Mouzai has said it is shooting "live" viewing of the place, we have come up with the camera, posed for pictures, Joking is to follow the footsteps of Zhang Yimou's film crew back to the street. It is reported that Zhoucun Zhoucun Street is the largest and oldest of a commercial street, the street has become the cloth line, gathering line operated grocery business and trade center. Today the street is still the same color of green of the slab on the street side shops, all the brick China Travel and gray tile building, Menlian invariably mottled red lacquer, wood doors can also be a small grid, is still old door. Way line, everywhere can hear the lively business selling, smell the aroma of fried released into the atmosphere. According to locals, said Zhoucun biscuits a long history, has been 1800 years of history. This fresh-baked biscuits only in neighborhoods when it is the most flavor, a small round cake scented, entrance, food for thought.
     The south end of Main Street connecting wire streets, exclusive silk. Walking down the street, many shops still retain the old mode of operation, the door is still closed red paint wooden counter, colored silk volume growth pattern of the cloth roll arranged on the counter, the counter inside the person, holding a wooden ruler, scissors, greeting customers, and these old things to attract everyone stop watching.
     People say, you can read the history of wise, Zhoucun neighborhoods is a broad history textbooks. Exposure to Zhoucun streets, listening to the China Tours voices from the thousands of years ago, the intersection of spiritual and business giant, such as Hu ti initiation. Zhoucun charm, the people could not help but go back again and again, but also attract waves of Shandong people drove to the surrounding areas. For more information, please shift to China Tour


15 Days for Free Tour in Taiwan

Correspondent 14 from mainland residents to the "individual visit" working meeting on the mainland residents to visit Taiwan's open to individual tourism-based city, the first batch of pilot cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Xiamen, in the future will be based on market increasing the development China Travel of open areas.

It is reported that Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen, Taiwan, the three cities to go to the residents of personal travel, as the official residence with the local residents. Visitors should consult their account local public security bureau to apply for immigration authorities, "Taiwan's Mainland residents pass" endorsements and personal travel, the city commissioned after the designated operational mainland residents to Taiwan for tourism business travel agency, received by mainland residents to visit Taiwan Taiwan Tourism qualified travel agents, the relevant institutions to apply to Taiwan, charge d'affaires to Taiwan-related immigration clearance. The mainland and Taiwan should be mutual recognition of social agency procedures for handling the situation, and promptly notified to the applicant for personal progress.

Mainland residents to visit Taiwan, personal travel, China Tours business can be entrusted to the city designated mainland residents to Taiwan travel business travel agent booking air tickets, accommodation and travel itinerary in Taiwan can also apply on their own.

Mainland residents to visit Taiwan, personal travel, stay in Taiwan, since the entry the next day not more than 15 days, and should go back to China within the specified time. Due to natural disasters, force majeure factors of major diseases such as late stay in Taiwan should Taiwan travel time through the hotline report the Taiwan Strait Tourism Association, and the force majeure after the disappearance of their own in return.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China China Cultural Heritage Tour Day

China Cultural Heritage Day 2011, 11 urban activities at home in Shandong, "hometown of Confucius and Mencius, Canal Capital " held in Jining City, the theme of "Cultural Heritage and a better life. "
According to reports, the home city of Cultural Heritage Day activities include cultural knowledge of the National Youth Competition, the major regions of special operations to combat crime, exhibition of cultural relics, archaeological sites, Park South Wang hub ceremony, Shandong Province, China Travel Jining Canal heritage exhibition and cultural achievements Development, maintenance of the temple complex in Qufu Temple Yen completion ceremony, Chinese history and culture exhibition of street and other activities. Activities through the concept of competition to attract the public to see the exhibition and enjoy the show, participate in cultural heritage protection million signature campaign to increase public participation.
China's State Bureau of Cultural Relics Shan Cheung said that this year the theme of cultural activities at home to reflect the cultural heritage protection is a common cause of community, cultural heritage and people's lives, is to create an important foundation for a better life.
Deputy Secretary of Shandong Province Bureau of Cultural Relics from the Shao-ping said that the home focusing on urban activities should highlight the cultural heritage closer to the masses, the concept of cultural heritage to benefit the masses. Hope that through a series of activities to  China Tours arouse the whole society's awareness of cultural heritage protection, cultural heritage and also to allow people to enjoy the protection of the beneficial changes.
China every year end of 2005 to determine the second Saturday of June as Cultural Heritage Day, through organizing various activities to mobilize the whole society to participate in attention and protection of cultural heritage. In 2009, China's State Administration of Cultural Heritage at home to create a cultural heritage of urban activity, the ancient capital of Hangzhou and Suzhou, all have been undertaken over the event.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Witai Mountain Tour Festival is on the Way

June 13, journalists in China • Mountain on the second session of the International Organizing Committee of Culture and Tourism, held in Beijing Great Hall of the press conference noted: June 26, China • Mount the second month in the International Tourism and Culture China Travel Anniversary of the World Heritage listed Mount Wutai in Shanxi Province, the official opening of the month. The theme is: the wisdom of life, a harmonious world.

It is understood that this event will adhere to the scientific development concept and the party's ethnic and religious policies, in accordance with the "government leadership, social participation, show culture and promote tourism, "the guiding ideology, deep culture, enhance tourism quality, long-standing focus on displaying the Wutai Mountain Buddhism, ancient art of exquisite natural beauty and magic, exchange platform, China Tours and expanding foreign influence, this beautiful World Heritage-round business card promotion, strengthening international exchanges and cooperation of Buddhist culture and art, to create "an international, cultural, Recreation, scenery, the exhibition "Five Mount Wutai, Shanxi Province, as well as promote the tourism industry of Xinzhou City, leapfrog development and social progress. International Cultural Tourism this month to the "wisdom of life, a harmonious world " theme, by the Communist Party of Xinzhou, Xinzhou city government organized by the Publicity Department of Xinzhou City, the CPC five county, five county government, specifically the Board Mount Contractors.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Taiwan Free Tour

TSTA Beijing Office, Yang Ruizong introduced yesterday in an interview, group tours to Taiwan to be accompanying activities, can not be without their tour, China Travel personal travel planning can be their own travel, based on personal preferences depth tour, "Entirely, walking slowly And take the rest. "

CYTS the free exercise of office staff said yesterday that the tour groups to Taiwan must hold a current dual card - "pass"to the local public security bureau residence, China Tours "entry permit to Taiwan, " unified by a qualified travel agent to the Immigration Department for Taiwan For, the tourists have certain requirements of assets; personal travel and other rules promulgated regulations need to further clarify the mode of operation.For more information, please shift to China Tour


Travel China after Su Chi

The genius of Chinese cultural history, full of great writers and artists, it is impossible to describe cultural history of a miracle. Man painting his China Travel poetry was the most important of these fields mainstream culture gained first-class achievements, anyone who reaches an area in which he was such a success, enough to last forever, Su Chi actually a combination with one person, indeed Were amazed!

"Dongpo around the West Lake. " Su bumpy life experiences had a close relationship with the West, the title of "Long Lake", the history of the famous West Lake has several of its business planning, such as West Lake in Hangzhou, West Lake, Huang Zhou, Ying state of West Lake, there Huizhou The beautiful West Lake. So Su's poem really tells the world the charm of the West Lake there - "Shuiguang glittering sunny side is good, China Tours the rain kept empty mountains are strange, like the West than the West, wiping thick makeup always affordable. " Su said that much of the West Lake West descendants respected, to the Qing Dynasty, put the West Lake in Huizhou Prefecture Yin Wangying simple compared to pure limonene Rosy son, compared the West Lake in Hangzhou West Lake graceful Wu Gong, the West Lake has been described An elegant a rich and gaudy, it can be said is distinctive, different., For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Dragon&Tiger Mountain Tour

Left on the Qingzhen, tourist vehicles have arrived by drifting terminal, take the concept of Luxi beautiful bamboo raft trip Longhushan but one of the happiest thing. Luxi River originates from the original forest area in Fujian gloss, all the way through the mountain pass through the Strait, bringing together 36 shares of Sun City, along the way by Yuntaishan, Xiangshan, Holy Well Hill, on the Qingzhen, is a concept, spunk-water rock, rock Matsu, import letters Jiang, Into the Poyang Lake, into the Yangtze River, the total length of 286 kilometers, China Travel 43 kilometers long stream in the area, is the Water Dragon and Tiger Mountain Scenic tour of the best route. The river flows through the place with different names, but have different names, such as "Yi River","Luxi","on stream","Yun Kam Kai", etc., are collectively referred to as "Luxi River. "

Lung Fu Shan and Mount Wuyi is the same mountain, the rock structure is similar, are of gravel. Wuyi Mountain in the south, Lung Fu Shan in the north. Wuyishan have Jiuquxi rafting, river China Tours rafting Luxi Longhushan there. Luxi River rafting due to long distance, cross the scenic, rocky mountains form many, constitute a major highlight of Dragon and Tiger Mountain Scenic Area. Get on the raft, floated down the river along the Luxi and enjoy the superb view of Danxia Lung Fu Shan, I feel really like to enter wonderland.For more information, please shift to China Tour


Travel China

First up is a soup, side in front of you (also know that this is before the eating habits of Guangzhou.) So also will drink up, said Tom, in fact, not our kind of diet Shanghai soup, very strong, the taste is very full. Manager Zhang joked with Guangdong: Guangdong people because stingy, so dinner time, usually to let the guests soup, half-full stomach and other guests were re-served, so you can spend a small point. China Travel Oh, this is not to study, but know that this is a good eating habits, because before you can lubricate the throat, drying things can reduce the damage to the esophagus, in fact, is a good way to increase appetite. Otherwise, how can be said to eat it in Guangzhou. Dish up the flavor is completely different from Shanghai, there are insects of Resources class products, with color colorful seafood, snacks rich pay attention more. Point of feeling faint taste, less oily. All in all, color, flavor and taste.

In Guangzhou, Putonghua and out of fashion, walking in the China Tours street, heard almost the same color blue Cantonese. Even some of the television broadcast football game is no exception, in the hotel watching TV, feeling in a foreign country in general, see the good programs on TV, but it is depends on is not what we listen to understand Mandarin. Reason for this is because Guangdong is very close to Hong Kong (Hong Kong naturally speak Cantonese), compared with the exchange, where many regarded as one of their own feelings of pride in it.For more information, please shift to China Tour


Journey to China

I was in  read the book for 4 years. However, 80% of the time to stay that is not romantic, is drawing keyboarding in the ivory tower, not to mention the depth of understanding of China Travel what this city. So basically I'm here in vain, Guangzhou if you see, you can right when the joke, I do not care.

My first impression of  is the case. Students reported the next day, due to the repair of my walkman, I take the bus from school to Henan, the viaduct traffic China Tours jam, blocking more than 2 hours. The temperature was about 32 degrees and no air conditioning, is really rather die than live.

I have time, I am afraid that traffic congestion in  are among the highest in the country (now much better, but still not been fundamentally resolved.) And the Guangzhou municipal China Travel authorities took every turn as the road opened like a zipper - is not already way width, together with such a whole, it is easy to intestinal obstruction. More than the old city of, where the roads have a direct impact on the smooth flow of traffic.For more information, please click to http://onlinechiantours56.blogspot.com/


China Happy Days

The DELAY is also too long now, what drivers, etc.B. subway was too low in the air-conditioning, a cold wind is hit into, the China tours cold far more than the summer air conditioning during the Wuhan Public Transport Guangzhou Metro relatively high degree of automation, the Guangzhou subway station has ticket vending machines. Self-help, it is convenient. Coins, banknotes are not china tours within twenty of the problem, the identity of the MTR is also very clear,so I am more like to enjoy the services of Guangzhou Metro.

The subway in the country, Beijing's subway is the cheapest price, 3 dollars, as long as you do not come out and let you take a day and no one control you. But the subway in Guangzhou is different here is the money pit by chian tours one-way currency effective time is three hours. And is sub-charges. The shortest China travel of the two stations have 2 dollars. And if you like China travel are buying a site farther away, but you way want to stand out in a not easy. Because the exit gates to single coin into the mouth and then railing to push people away. But if there is no way to leave the coin china travel or the coin can not open railings. This is a more convenient place. But the convenience of the coin is that people can buy, the basic need of the team ranked too long to buy a ticket. Reduce a lot china travelchina travel of time.If you want to know more about it, please click: http://onlinechiantours56.blogspot.com/


The Overview of Beautiful Shanghai

Shanghai is a famous international metropolis attracting more and more visitors from home and abroad. Located on the estuary of Yangtze River, Shanghai is seen as the most important financial, economic, cultural, science and technology center in East China. And, it is a popular tourist destination. In Shanghai Tours, you will sense the great development of modern China strongly.

Except for its aggiornamento, Shanghai's multicultural flair gifts Shanghai a distinct charm. Shanghai travel , you will find the wonderful blend of cultures, the western and the eastern, the modern and the traditional . old Shikumen lanes and New skyscrapers together draw the skyline of Shanghai. The intertwining of Western customs and Chinese traditions forms Shanghai's culture, making your stay truly unforgettable.

There are so many famous attractions in Shanghai, such as Nanjing Road. More information about Nanjing Road can be found in Tour to the Most Busy Street of Shanghai, if you want more info, please click to: http://onlinechiantours56.blogspot.com/

Shanghai in Night

Shanghai Pudong