
China Mountain Putuo Comes to Peak Time

With the June 18, "the Tenth China Jinzhou North Putuo Caisang Festival" The successful holding of the North Putuo Mountain area after the summer of this year ushered in the real tourist season, the team from outside the province of large travel and traveling by car substantial increase in the China Travel amount of tourists, bustling area into the state.
It is understood that all along, Jinzhou North Putuo Mountain Scenic Area are very focused management, service and tourism promotion, etc., so that area greatly enhance the reputation and visibility, the amount of tourists every year upward trend. Since entering the tourist season this year, North Putuo Mountain scenery getting better, the tourists have come from outside the province to the north of Mount Putuo outing tour. Many city people but also about fitness and recreation here beautiful natural and human environment, to the area on weekends and holidays within the exercise play. To develop the tourism industry in the area, while making full use of its advantages, accompanied by mulberry unique tourism and culture, will "take Sang" into a unique culture and brand, as well as Jinzhou North Putuo Mountain, a scenic and cultural industries, strong development of the tourist attractions and cultural. Caisang Festival not only loved by the people, but the North Putuo Mountain in virtually brand image and was widely disseminated.
The mining Sang Festival, North Putuo Mountain area is the tenth event of the Liaison Office. Sang taken during the festival, North Putuo area arranged for visitors wonderful China Tours cultural performances and folk culture show, the introduction of Jinzhou civil snacks and native products; also interact with visitors, was held in the scenic area rich variety of activities, including mountain climbing search Bao, mining Sang Competition, "Impression North Putuo Mountain" photo contest, not only enriched the festival content and convenient for tourists from all over the country, giving visitors a memorable stay.For more information, please shift to China Tour

