
The Overview of Beautiful Shanghai

Shanghai is a famous international metropolis attracting more and more visitors from home and abroad. Located on the estuary of Yangtze River, Shanghai is seen as the most important financial, economic, cultural, science and technology center in East China. And, it is a popular tourist destination. In Shanghai Tours, you will sense the great development of modern China strongly.

Except for its aggiornamento, Shanghai's multicultural flair gifts Shanghai a distinct charm. Shanghai travel , you will find the wonderful blend of cultures, the western and the eastern, the modern and the traditional . old Shikumen lanes and New skyscrapers together draw the skyline of Shanghai. The intertwining of Western customs and Chinese traditions forms Shanghai's culture, making your stay truly unforgettable.

There are so many famous attractions in Shanghai, such as Nanjing Road. More information about Nanjing Road can be found in Tour to the Most Busy Street of Shanghai, if you want more info, please click to: http://onlinechiantours56.blogspot.com/

Shanghai in Night

Shanghai Pudong

