
China China Cultural Heritage Tour Day

China Cultural Heritage Day 2011, 11 urban activities at home in Shandong, "hometown of Confucius and Mencius, Canal Capital " held in Jining City, the theme of "Cultural Heritage and a better life. "
According to reports, the home city of Cultural Heritage Day activities include cultural knowledge of the National Youth Competition, the major regions of special operations to combat crime, exhibition of cultural relics, archaeological sites, Park South Wang hub ceremony, Shandong Province, China Travel Jining Canal heritage exhibition and cultural achievements Development, maintenance of the temple complex in Qufu Temple Yen completion ceremony, Chinese history and culture exhibition of street and other activities. Activities through the concept of competition to attract the public to see the exhibition and enjoy the show, participate in cultural heritage protection million signature campaign to increase public participation.
China's State Bureau of Cultural Relics Shan Cheung said that this year the theme of cultural activities at home to reflect the cultural heritage protection is a common cause of community, cultural heritage and people's lives, is to create an important foundation for a better life.
Deputy Secretary of Shandong Province Bureau of Cultural Relics from the Shao-ping said that the home focusing on urban activities should highlight the cultural heritage closer to the masses, the concept of cultural heritage to benefit the masses. Hope that through a series of activities to  China Tours arouse the whole society's awareness of cultural heritage protection, cultural heritage and also to allow people to enjoy the protection of the beneficial changes.
China every year end of 2005 to determine the second Saturday of June as Cultural Heritage Day, through organizing various activities to mobilize the whole society to participate in attention and protection of cultural heritage. In 2009, China's State Administration of Cultural Heritage at home to create a cultural heritage of urban activity, the ancient capital of Hangzhou and Suzhou, all have been undertaken over the event.For more information, please shift to China Tour

