
China Happy Days

The DELAY is also too long now, what drivers, etc.B. subway was too low in the air-conditioning, a cold wind is hit into, the China tours cold far more than the summer air conditioning during the Wuhan Public Transport Guangzhou Metro relatively high degree of automation, the Guangzhou subway station has ticket vending machines. Self-help, it is convenient. Coins, banknotes are not china tours within twenty of the problem, the identity of the MTR is also very clear,so I am more like to enjoy the services of Guangzhou Metro.

The subway in the country, Beijing's subway is the cheapest price, 3 dollars, as long as you do not come out and let you take a day and no one control you. But the subway in Guangzhou is different here is the money pit by chian tours one-way currency effective time is three hours. And is sub-charges. The shortest China travel of the two stations have 2 dollars. And if you like China travel are buying a site farther away, but you way want to stand out in a not easy. Because the exit gates to single coin into the mouth and then railing to push people away. But if there is no way to leave the coin china travel or the coin can not open railings. This is a more convenient place. But the convenience of the coin is that people can buy, the basic need of the team ranked too long to buy a ticket. Reduce a lot china travelchina travel of time.If you want to know more about it, please click: http://onlinechiantours56.blogspot.com/

