
2011 China Guizhou Tour Development

From the provincial to the county, each in charge of tourism leaders, are necessary to grasp a tourist project, and effectively promote tourism projects. All levels of development and reform, housing and urban construction, land resources, environmental protection, water conservancy, forestry and other related departments in the project preliminary work and construction process, to cooperate with each other tourism projects to optimize the environment. Pairs have been included in the planning of major tourism projects, the relevant departments to early intervention, active party as soon as possible to help make the project feasibility study, preliminary design, evaluation, approval for the record, planning, environmental assessment, land acquisition, etc., to do the preliminary work of deep, painstaking, and solid. To promote the process of major tourism projects encountered financial operations, land supply, planning and design, project approval and other issues, in consultation with relevant departments should actively coordinate to explore ways and means to solve the problem together to protect the smooth implementation of tourism projects, promote tourism project started early, early development, early production, early results. To create a dynamic tourism project management and project supervision system on a regular basis, to accelerate the development of tourism to achieve a new leap.

Huang Kangsheng affirmed in his speech in the first half of the achievements of tourism development in our province. He pointed out that all localities and all departments must follow the provincial government's "work to ensure that the economy was better in the second half of the first half of" requirements, focus on tourism brand image advertising, efforts to turn a good tourist reception facilities, quality of service quality Tourism promotion and the Sixth Conference of the preparatory work. Should speed up the tourism products of the project construction as the central task, big industrial scale, enhance the quality of industrial development, to build the core competitiveness of tourism. To the development of tourism in our province, "second five" plan to determine the construction of "the seven base" and tourism "Top Ten Project" for the lead and guide, to promote the products of the project construction. Should focus on the tourism industry to upgrade and expand capacity, improve facilities, enhance the taste, into a set of tourism, leisure and vacation in one of the tourist area. Leading cadres should take the lead in grasping the project, vigorously carry out tourism investment. Should seize the day, and never slack, to further strengthen the work style, work to strengthen measures to strengthen implement the plan, and promote the tourism development work to ensure that "five," the first re-development of tourism in the province a new level, a new leap forward.For more information, please shift to China Tour


2011 China Guizhou Tour

July 26, the province's tourism and tourism projects to promote the symposium held in Guiyang, the provincial deputy secretary of the Provincial Tourism Development and Reform group leader Wang Fuyu, provincial Standing Committee, Vice Governor, Provincial Tourism Development and Reform Leading Group deputy head of the Huang Kangsheng attended the meeting.

The meeting heard of the Provincial Tourism Office Party Secretary Fu Yingchun the first half of the province's tourism development by debriefing and Provincial Tourism Bureau Deputy Director Li San flag construction of tourism projects by the reports of the deployment of the second half of the travel and tourism investment project. In the first half, Guizhou Tourism continued to maintain sustained, healthy and rapid development momentum, the province's total revenue of 62.012 billion yuan of tourism, an increase of 35.43%; reception tourists 78,868,400 passengers, an increase of 32.3%.

At the forum, Wang Fuyu to grasp the construction of tourism projects, promote the development of the province's tourism industry that spans the first half, throwing the province maintained a rapid growth of tourism, is not easy, which is the provincial government and to challenge the secretary, g Chi Governor attaches great importance to the whole province high ideological unity, the development of ideas is correct, improve institutional mechanisms, flexible and powerful moves closely with various departments and local results. In the second half, all localities and departments to strengthen their confidence, build tourism around the province goal, the development of tourism as a change in mode of development and adjustment of industrial structure, an important starting point, firmly grasp the tourism market, and firmly grasp the reception conditions reception infrastructure improvements, firmly grasping the tourist resort project, to ensure that "five" the first year to achieve the objectives and tasks better and faster.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Wine Culture Festival

July 23, wines by the International Cultural Communication Center of the fourth international cultural festival of wine, the Italian Foreign Trade Council, Dongyang City People's Government, the French and Australian wine industry bodies, the authority of the domestic wine industry bodies and a number of units strong support, "China's woodcarving" Dongyang grand opening.

9:00, representatives from domestic and foreign wine companies and wine six hundred people at home and abroad gathered together to participate in cultural exchanges between the Fourth International Wine Festival opening ceremony. At the opening ceremony, former French Prime Minister / Special Envoy of the Independent Commissioner for the incumbent president, Mr. Jack, Mr. Raffarin has brought this festival to the cause to the video message, congratulating the Fourth International Energy have held wine culture, thanks to a large organizer week spread wine culture and wine, as always, is to contribute to the Sino-French cultural exchange. Italian Trade Commission Representative Mr. Fu Tai, a former Australian leader of the Liberal Party coalition, Mr. Sen John repair the CPC Jinhua Municipal Committee / Dongyang Party Secretary Zhang Zhongcan at the opening ceremony made ​​an important speech. Fourth International Wine Festival to "into the organic era" as the theme, brought together domestic and international organic wine industry body, the organic food sector, industry, media organizations, and representatives of domestic and international wine experts, to discuss common development, promoting organic wine industry. EU-China Cultural Exchange Association, Food and Wine, vice president of the Italian Association for Organic Agriculture Deputy Secretary-General, Mr. Sergio Ma Kai Xini, China Organic Food Certification Center Deputy Director Mr. Li Xianjun, bringing foreign guests for on-site organic wine and domestic organic food industry information. At the same time, China Agricultural University, internationally renowned scholar Li Hua wine organic wine on the development of the industry to propose new ideas. Fourth International Wine Festival, guests at the international and domestic guests to open the champagne, toast together into the next part.For more information, please shift to China Tour


Travel China Zhejiang Ocean Games

July 23 morning, wrestling with the seashore, coastal land speed skating, fishing and Tideland Tideland tires turn the end of the four events, Zhejiang Province, after the first two months of intense marine Games Competition, in Daishan Township slide show Theme Park Closes mud. Provincial Sports Bureau Li Yunlin, deputy director should Zuming regiment Provincial Committee Wang Zheng attended the closing ceremony. Vice Mayor Chen Songju a closing statement. Games of this total of Ocean Beach, the sea and the beach the three main stadium, 99 minutes and 23 major items of small items, a total of 3,500 from the province's athletes and coaches entered the competition. City of the team on the beach croquet, sea rescue, sea swimming and other projects achieved good results. Through the game, players around the province have forged a profound friendship.

Zhoushan, Ningbo, Wenzhou and other 17 teams won games this Provincial Oceanic Sportsmanship Award; in Hangzhou, Jiaxing, Shaoxing and other 15 representatives team won the Outstanding Organization Award; the team final standings will be announced shortly after the summary.Li Yunlin said by marine sports activities, can promote the awareness, protection and utilization of ocean awareness, the spirit of the times. The ongoing planning of marine sports in our province, held the first provincial marine Games is one of the group characteristics, the future will have gone out of existence. Closing ceremony, the Provincial Sports Bureau awarded Daishan "Zhejiang marine sports and leisure base" plaque. Xiu Shan was the League Committee awarded the "young marine practice base in Zhejiang Province." Daishan county government official says, by the contractor of this province has accumulated a certain amount of ocean sports event organizing experience, but also for the future games for marine contractors nationwide basis.

10:00, with Li Yunlin declared the Games closed sea, more than two months of the flame slowly burning off. Held immediately following the flag handover ceremony. Li Yunlin Provincial Oceanic Games flag will be handed Putuo District government responsible for the hands. Games will be the next province, Putuo District, marine contractor. Shipping will be closing, immediately held its seventh "China Blue • Xiushan Island Mud Carnival" opening ceremony. The leaders and guests took to the stage in the mud on the graffiti board printed its own fingerprint, thus promoting environmental protection, the importance of low-carbon life.

After the opening ceremony held in wonderful performances. "Dance mud flying," "mud best wins" "NI graffiti as" ... one of "mud" as the theme of cultural programs to further heighten the "I'm mad as mud, fitness" activity concept. Daishan show China Ocean Township, as the birthplace of sport on the beach mud, mud opened up China tour precedent. It is reported that Xiushan Island mud carnival have been held for sixth, each year attracts visitors from all over the country after another, enjoying the sea bathing, feel the joy of movement.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Red Tour Cooperations

Economic and social development in the provinces at the cooperation and exchanges, said Li Hongzhong by inspection, by the rich red Jiangxi resources, precious spiritual wealth and strong development momentum of the infection, he stressed that further study of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone in green development "Jiangxi experience ", and to China Travel, further strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the two provinces to jointly promote the development of the Yangtze River city group made ​​constructive comments and suggestions. Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Congress proposed to give full play the main Ren Surong provinces of tourism resources, cooperation, mutual recommended tourism products and routes to each other tourist destinations, and to expand the tourism market. Give full play to the two provinces, especially the classic red, green, the color of ancient culture of the "three color" tourism resources, tourist routes and docking to further strengthen the tourism product development co-operation.

Period in Jiangxi, Hubei Tourism Bureau Zhang Dahua an interview, emphasizing the Hubei and Jiangxi provinces are red tourism resources in the province, Jiangxi red tourism will be the soul of the red, green beauty, the special patina blend, resulting in a strong vitality worth Hubei learning. Meanwhile, the provinces are the landscape, cultural China Tours resources in the province, Hubei East Lake, Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Liangzihu and walk the road of green tourism development; Wudang Mountain in Hubei, Jiangxi is famous Taoist Mountains, renowned at home and abroad, in "patina" of tourism have in common. Provinces in the tourist routes and docking, tourism development experience exchange market to push each other, send each other source has great room for cooperation. Tourism department, said the two provinces will further strengthen the "tri-color" depth of cooperation in tourism, tourism province provinces were pushing construction.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Travel Nanyang

Reported to pass information to the media, connectivity tourist market. After extensive feasibility studies and preparation, July 20, the joint national one hundred Nanyang Evening Party newspaper Excellent Tourism City project launched jointly promote tourism.In recent China Travel years, the tourism industry continues to heat up, local tours around, the number of foreign travel increases every year, and city party newspapers and public opinion, the local tourism industry a pillar industry of the formation, are playing an increasingly important role. Nanyang Evening joint promotion travel plans, has been selected one hundred outstanding tourist city party, by letter, negotiation, networking, etc., in order to achieve cooperation. Forms of cooperation, including both published the same layout for each other free referral ads introduce their cities and tourist population, resources, transportation, tourism facilities, and circulation of both newspapers, coverage, etc., for both scenic spots China Tours promote each other through other media Tourism provides information and services. Authority and credibility to the party newspaper, through the complementary advantages, resource sharing, travel plans for those readers who provide convenient information.

Nanyang Daily party secretary, editor Guanyu country that combined one hundred Excellent Tourism City promotion party newspaper travel plans, is open to newspapers, publicity Nanyang another specific practice, but also the media reader in the horizontal cooperation in services, social services, mutual win-win and common development, good try.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Tours: Si Mu Wu Ding Museum

According to the China Art Research Institute of Han Shuqing Yan Douwen introduced Si Mu Wu Ding of the late Shang Dynasty royal bronze ceremonial vessels, are ever found the world's largest and heaviest bronze. 1939 village unearthed in Anyang military attache, was by China Travel several Tomb of the villagers first found, after a business trying to buy 200,000 ocean, but much too heavy tripod, moving difficulties, only to give up, and re-planted Avoid found by other people. In June 1946, was re-dug, the end of October the same year, President Chiang Kai-shek to celebrate the 60 birthday of national government, the garrison arrived in Nanjing with a bus to take it for longevity, Jiang instructions made available to save the Preparatory Office of the Central Museum. The national government eventually the weight of the problem is not due to its export to Taiwan. After the founding of New China, Ding stored in the Nanjing Museum, Museum of Chinese History in 1959, referred to as the "greatest treasures", its image has become the emblem of the National Museum of the Museum.

As the Si Mu Wu Ding solemn and beautiful decoration, superb delicate process, so the history of Chinese civilization and world bronze in the history plays China Tours an important role. The copy on display in the Museum of Chinese History tripod for visitors, a precious collection of genuine artifacts never seen by others. In September 2005, to meet the United Nations World Heritage experts to inspect the assessment of the Yin Ruins, and let the world see the Si Mu Wu Ding of the true capacity, the National Museum of Anyang City and an agreement reached by the exhibition, seconded Si Mu Wu Ding public display.For more information, please shift to China Tour

China Tour: Beichuan Earthquake Museum

Yesterday (12), was informed, including the old town of Beichuan earthquake site, including Beichuan earthquake memorial recently selected for the national list of classic scenic spots of red tourism.

According to reports, "5.12" earthquake, the old town of Beichuan as the original site of the world's most devastating earthquake to save the China Travel, ruins, is the spiritual home of Sichuan Province, to determine the post-disaster reconstruction "Hall three," the important part is the declared Department identified as "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake "three bases a window", the national patriotism education bases.

June 2009, Mianyang Tangjiashan lake management-cum-old town of Beichuan protection command (hereinafter referred to as the command) set out to complete the preparation by the Shanghai Tongji University, "Memorial and Beichuan earthquake in Beichuan earthquake site protection plan" and "Beichuan earthquake site protection plan", the Provincial Department of Culture, Seismological Bureau, Cultural Relics China Tours Bureau review to be approved.

In early 2010, according to headquarters, "authenticity, reversible, grade classification, minimum intervention," the principle of protection, accelerate the protection project, visit the memorial facilities construction work. Up to now, worked in the old town of Beichuan Weijiagou around, I Ravine, rice Ditch, built to take the stone trench Weijiagou dam as the representative of 26 dams; installed 13,912 m2 of fence; built old town diversion dikes, levees, closure ditch protection projects, blocking the flood, mudslides, landslides and other natural disasters, the impact of the earthquake site.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Travel: China Farmers Movies Festival

July 15 evening, "Party Albert" premiere and the Fourth National Rural China (Ningbo) farmers Film Festival opening ceremony was held in Xiangshan County, People's Square. State Administration of Radio Film Board, deputy director of hairiness, the Chinese Film Circulation and Projection Association, Yang Buting, Jiang Ping, deputy general manager of China Film Group, Shanghai Film (Group) Co., Ltd. President Ren Zhonglun, deputy director of the China Film Archive, and Jian-Yong Zhang, Vice Mayor Cheng Yue Chong, Vice China Travel Chairman of Fu Dan City, county leaders Baiguo Zhang, Zheng Ya-Hong, Wang Anjing attended the opening ceremony of the County Committee, Publicity Minister Eurasian group welcoming remarks.
Opening ceremony full of fish culture in the Shipu drums, Dance, Yu Deng dance, dragon dance and other performances in the curtain, "Party Albert" starring Liu Ye, a famous young director Lu Chuan, Qin Lan and other famous actors appeared at the opening ceremony and interact with the audience of 10,000 spectators. Zhejiang Puda Hai Cultural Industry Co., Ltd., Ningbo City, 13 Entrepreneurs Association and other poor areas to the west site of patriotic Yingpian donated nearly 30,000 games. Industrial Park Administrative Committee of Ningbo film culture were donated to the new Xiangshan Xiangshan movie tickets 1000.
Subsequently, the guests start the ball touch, Deputy Mayor Cheng Yue Chong announced: "" Party Albert "premiere and the Fourth National Rural China (Ningbo) farmers film festival!" After the opening ceremony, thousands of people live watched "Party Albert" movie.
According to reports, back in the 1930s, Cai Chusheng, Nie Er and other first generation of Chinese film and television pioneer in Xiangshan Shipu completed filming "Fishing," the popular television masterpiece. In recent years, the county's investment of 360 million for the China Tours construction of Elephant movie has received the "evil", "King's Feast," "The Four", "Orphan" and 80 crew, the movie also won the "China's most potential for development of film base", "China's top ten film base" and so on. In addition, the contractor has organized and nine minutes original film competition and a series of original video competition and film festival.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Travel: Qinghai Promotes Tour in Hangzhou

July 13, Qinghai Tourism Bureau and Thoughts for the People's Government held in Hangzhou, a "great beauty Qinghai, charm Hercynian" special tourism China Travel promotion. Promote the meeting, Qinghai Tourism Bureau and Thoughts for the government department heads were to travel agents and media, Zhejiang Province, introduced the local tourism resources, a vision of "great beauty Qinghai, charm Hercynian 'unique style, and invite Zhejiang visitors to the tourist.
Zhejiang Tourism Bureau committee member, invited to attend Peng Xu, deputy director of promotion and made ​​a warm speech. The province's tourism industry, more than 200 media representatives attended the seminar. Period, a total of tourism publicity pictures, Hercynian scenery pictures, books and other information on tourism investment projects of more than 1,000 copies.
Qinghai Haixi is located in northern Tibet, Tibet in four provinces of Gansu-Xinjiang green heart of the intersection. The total area of ​​30.09 square kilometers across the state, accounting for 41.7% of the total area of ​​Qinghai Province, with a total population of 56.17 million people, the China Tours Han, Mongolian, Tibetan, Hui, Tu, Sala and other 30 ethnic groups. Realm of the main Hercynian as one of China's four basins of the Qaidam Basin, Qaidam Basin is a world famous "pot of gold." 86 kinds of minerals have been discovered, proven reserves of 57 kinds of mineral resources, mineral resources, potential economic value of about 1.6 billion yuan. Hercynian is to build the Qinghai provincial tour key areas of the Qinghai-Tibet railway travel with the roof of the world, the South Silk Road tourism economic zone, the plateau of the main Kunlun Culture Tourism Zone.
According to reports, in recent years in order to better stimulate Thoughts of the tourism industry, local government tourism development concept constantly updated, to speed up the conversion of resources and increase awareness of tourism, and actively develop unique tourism products, and to promote the in Zhejiang opportunity to promote the "great beauty Qinghai, charm Hercynian" Welcome friends to guest Zhejiang, Qinghai, people will holding Hada, filled wine, greeted guests and friends come from afar, the tourism industry together to create a better tomorrow.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Spring Festival Sichuan Tour

Chinese New Year Golden Week next day, the province is imbued with the New Year festive holiday atmosphere, most of the sunny weather, warm people travel China Travel continues to climb, rapid growth of many tourists attractions, including Dujiangyan, Qingcheng Mountain, Xiling Snow Mountain, Bamboo Sea , Hailuogou, the former residence of Deng Xiaoping, China's Dead Sea area, etc. compared with the first day, double surge in visitor arrivals.
     Compared to last year, the increase was greater on visitor arrivals area of the top five were: Qingchengshan (148%), Hailuogou (100%), the former residence of Deng Xiaoping (46%), Bamboo Sea (40%), dinosaur Museum (22%).
     Attaches great importance around the Spring Festival Golden Week tourism, actively preparing, meticulous organization, hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, transport sector's ability to significantly enhance the reception, visitors celebrate all directions. Today is the tenth anniversary of the death of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, to the memory of great wide An Xiaoping's hometown of visitors, the China Tours hotels and restaurants of the tourist accommodation has improved significantly. Chengdu, the major park visitors were packed, bustling farm fun, ushered in the Golden Week travel peak. Nanchong Xishan Scenic Area held a temple, Meishan City, held a "Happy Meishan" Spring series of activities of cultural tourism business, Ya'an Mengding launched a singing and dancing performances Tea Horse Road, across the province have launched a variety of tourism activities, attracted a large number of visitors, visitor arrivals has shown a significant growth in many parts of the hotels and restaurants accommodation rate of more than 80%, tourism revenue have a larger growth.
     Today, the province tourism system and related departments to strengthen the Spring Festival Golden Week tourism at all levels and sectors with the class leaders and staff, their duties, to ensure that the Spring Festival Golden Week "safety, health, quality, order" for the people's leisure and tourism to create good conditions, the province's tourism market in good order and no complaints with the travel and tourism major security incidents, only received two complaints, currently under investigation in progress.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Travel: Saanxi Hubei Tourism Coorperation

Hubei Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Congress Chairman Li Hongzhong, Provincial Committee, Governor Wang Guosheng recently led a delegation on study tour of Shaanxi Province. Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Congress, Zhao Leji, Provincial China Travel Committee, Governor Zhao, accompanied visits, and attended two provinces exchange of economic and social development. Wang Guosheng, Zhao representing the two sides signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement, tourism and energy, rail transport, water with a cooperation of the four main contents.

Under the agreement, the two sides will strengthen the integration of tourism resources, arranged inter-provincial travel routes. Relying on the rapid transit network, open up the provinces tourist channels, arranged in the Three Gorges, Xi'an, ancient capital of focused international tours to Mount Wudang, terracotta-focused world heritage tours to Shennongjia, Qinling-focused eco-tourism circuit to the Dabie Mountains, Yan'an focused tours, and connect the red zone more than the adjacent provinces, "fickle" short tours. The two, China Tours sides will also strengthen the tourist interaction, joint promotional efforts. Provinces each destination, guide and organize tourism enterprises, industry associations, media study and promotion of other tourism products, the other major groups to participate in tourism activities and tourism trade fairs. Joint overseas exhibition promotions, jointly invite overseas visitors traveling salesman and the media together to expand domestic and overseas tourism market.

In addition, the provinces will strengthen the tourism exchanges, expand cooperation in tourism areas; to strengthen tourism planning interface adjacent to jointly promote the major tourism projects; exchange travel information, exchange experiences in tourism development.For more information, please shift to China Tour


Travel China: World Heritage West Lake

July 11, Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area Management Committee to convene a World Heritage - West Lake scenic area management to enhance the mobilization meeting, the move to West Lake to fight the "five best" World Heritage Area. One of the cleanest, West Lake can not have public China Travel toilets smell. West received an average of more than 80,000 visitors a day, fewer people than the toilet, there are some odor, but now the West Lake is the world's heritage, and details such as toilet cleaning, is particularly important. West side of the star, especially toilets, session must do everything possible to make the West Lake side of the public toilets do not smell. Another timely repair potholes in the road the West Lake scenic area, replace the tour trail of broken stones and bricks on, Gully can not have junk, can not be arbitrary discharge of sewage farm music, there are always monitoring the water quality Jiuxi.

The second is the most beautiful, five hundred thousand potted ready to celebrate National Day. World cultural heritage, some require almost harsh. For example, the phenomenon can not have bare loess, garden culture sector has for the fall Juzhan and to prepare a National Flower Show, Juzhan or on the garden. National Day period, the park department prepared text of more than 50 million pots of flowers to their emphasis China Tours on the West Lake. At that time, the West Lake will be a sea of ​​flowers. Recently, the park will be specially organized cultural sector, "senior experts feel the pulse of the West Lake landscape garden," prepared as soon as "Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area landscape plants to enhance the color of the plan." Lake Park Man departments should sort out the water again on the West side of each food and beverage companies to inspect the sewage, the sewage is not discharged into the firm in the West.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Travel: Chinese Mulberry Silk Culture Museum

Chinese mulberry silk culture, science and technology park has been the design experts, architectural design focused silk culture and water culture, the idea of ??a bold architectural style, "a fluttering ribbon" design philosophy.
High-tech Zone Hushuguan region as China Travel a national research and education in the birthplace of sericulture and silkworm production base in the international reputation. Chinese mulberry silk culture, science and technology park project by Xushuguan Economic Development Zone and Suzhou University building, and organized by the China Silk Association, experts, approved the establishment. Science and Technology Park is located in Suzhou Hushuguan scenery on the Ming and Qing Tong Grand Canal in Suzhou with the original site of the mulberry silkworm College Park site, construction area of ??11,000 square meters and total investment of about $ 100 million.
Chinese mulberry China Tour silk culture, science and technology park building architectural design to retain the Republican Xiling Tang, internal and external reminders brothel style and function, modern building with the perfect blend of the original building security control, and in Suzhou, this concept combines residential Fenqiangdaiwa and pitched roof mode, showing a side of the Grand Canal blend of modern civilization and vivid picture of the classical tradition.
Architectural features highlight mulberry silk culture, set up a technology exhibition, antiques gallery, gallery education and scientific research industry, knowledge of mulberry silk exhibition hall, interactive exhibition hall, and open up an area of ??20 acres, set all kinds of domestic varieties of mulberry Sang Park.
Currently, the technology park planning and design, exhibition program, cultural relics collection, etc. is an orderly, planned the park opened in 2012.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Travel to the Culture of Shu Kingdom in Sichuan

Nestled in the farmland and the weeds between the Baodun cultural sites, immersed in a tense post-construction Sands museum, quiet villages and bustling downtown, all this will soon change and integration, to expand the king of ancient Shu culture tour "territory" --- to trial in China Travel the "Sichuan Provincial Cultural Tourism development Report," available in advance, which disclosed that it will "sun Bird" as the core brand, the integration site of Jinsha, Chengdu Sanxingdui and Warring States ship coffin burial sites and Baodun cultural sites and other ancient Shu culture resources for the Jinsha and Sanxingdui core construction site museum and Heritage Park, king of ancient Shu culture to create an international tourist area.

Wang Yi elaborated in the next, gradually faded in front of downtown, became a vast land of a wall, a high-profile. "In archaeological terms, Shu Wang represents a period in the Yangtze River upper reaches the highest level of civilization, but also constitute one of the center of Chinese civilization, irreplaceable historic and archaeological position. Sanxingdui, ship coffin and Sands have alternate access China Tours to the world heritage list after completing the Sands development, ship coffin is the next target. "Wang told reporters. And to Baodun represented prehistoric city sites, "with a huge wall, the inner city and outer city are obvious differences, the occurrence of war, the formation of many different interest groups, but because a long history, is at the highest level of civilization and the only the political center, that king, to be verified, while the ship coffin so daring, magnificent, but give us this information: The capital in the vicinity. "For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Travel: Zhoushan International Boat Show

First China (Zhoushan Archipelago) International Boat Show on July 8 -10 at Zhujiajian carried out. Boat Show and change the static display of this China Travel dynamic experience, the whole event is divided into parts of water and land, including 50 proposed water yacht exhibition booths, will showcase Ferretti, Shengsike, Princess and many other well-known brands of the real ships; proposed land yacht show 60 standard booths. There will then be from Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xiamen and other places more than 70 boats entered the event. Since July 2, the exhibition part of the land has begun to exhibit; water exhibition focused on the specific preparations China Tours in 6 to 8, three days. During the exhibition, the world will be held the line Zhejiang Zhoushan, Zhoushan Islands, fishing tournament, sailing, yachts first launched the ceremony, wedding photography activities yacht, yacht tour and test drive, and a variety of forums and procurement bidding. One of the most interesting for the "July 9, scenic waters in Ukraine Shitang sailing venues around the mark at the race" and "will be held July 10 sailing race around the island."For more information, please shift to China Tour


Travel China: Wulingyuan Scenic Area in Hunan

By the National Tourism Administration, Deputy Secretary discipline members of the Ombudsman Qi Lijuan led national 5A tourist attractions inspection group in Hunan Tourism Bureau Yuan Xinhua, accompanied by the creation of Wulingyuan national 5A tourist attractions for a period China Travel of three days of inspection and acceptance. National test data collection is divided into inspection, site inspection and sampling of three parts questionnaire visitors. During the inspection team, after careful examination, on December 28 morning in Zhangjiajie International Hotel Conference held in check and acceptance work. At Qi Lijuan, head of Zhangjiajie tourism created a work of commenting, Wulingyuan District Secretary DU Ya-ling, Zhangjiajie City, Mayor Hu Bojun position has to make speeches. Yuan Xinhua Secretary also made an important speech.

Qi Lijuan Zhangjiajie scenic spot on the head to create work and make a very high rating: Wulingyuan special tourist area location, at the western junction, in the less developed on the basis of the young tourist area. With the development of tourism, Wulingyuan has a number of flagship tourism, tourism has been rapid economic development, tourism and the leading role is obvious, indeed the Hunan tourism leader, well-known tourism brand, is all the conditions are ripe the area. Since the start the 5A level scenic spots  China Tours in the first half since its founding, the provincial, municipal and district levels of government have attached great importance, in accordance with instructions of Provincial Party Secretary Zhang Chunxian, put a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to create remarkable results achieved, tourism transport, tour system, travel safe, scenic environment, ecological protection, tourism and services management, have been fully upgraded, the most prominent development in the area closely linked with modern technology, scenic digital construction, traffic control systems, tourism toilets, integrated services to a new height ; humane management with a vibrant team, focusing on ideological education, the advanced nature of party members to be fully reflected the emergence of Zhao Mingjian so many heroes and models, to establish a tourism industry, righteousness, 5A class has been created to promote the tourist attractions to enhance the brand effective means.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Tours: Road of Red Army

Red Road to go and experience the culture of the red, red to listen to songs, watching the red king of dance is a village of red tourism festival highlight. July 1, China Travel Jian-Guo Ye, deputy director of the Provincial Tourism Bureau, the county leaders Gexue Bin, Zhang Xiaoqiang, Mao Jianhua, He Weining, Yejin Rong, Yin Jianzhong, Luo Yun dry, Leihua Ying, Cheng Zhe Jun, Sun Shanfang, Hua Zhiwu, Zhang Jianwei, Lin Cheng million visitors in the Red Army advanced and guided under the guidance of great interest to visit some of the red king village site. In the liberation of the bridge the bridge pavilion, an old Red Army is Reviewing the past eventful years, then listen to a group of small red revolution around the story of a wonderful story has attracted many visitors stop.
With organizations such as the flow of people, we came to the Soviet government with former Miss Temple, with interest watched the brilliant red and cultural performances. Dance "bloody Xianxia", "Shisonghongjun" actors in the graceful dance with visitors to the guests vividly demonstrated when the Red Army soldiers and civilians close as fish deep and bloody scenes; children's drama "Red Bridge" is about China Tours the Red Army's defeat Tyrant evil gentry, people divide the land of the story, exciting and humorous dialogue drew laughter from time to time; children's Dance "Sparkling Red Star" in the valiant members of the child image is attracting the interest of everyone, after the performance, the audience have power and small actors they posed for pictures. "This kind of activity I have seen in the three counties, but there is no good here." Tourists from Wenzhou said.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Tour: Linghai Village Fair Tour

Village fair, the ordinary man may be just another ordinary life, but one thing, literally from sea tourism authorities saw the potential of tourism "opportunities" to attract China Travel tourists to rural tourism at the same time, experience the rural market, gradually tourists towards the village, the introduction of farmers, to build market day tourism economy, which further promote rural tourism, the "January one, one town one product" of the pattern of rural tourism to the "one Village One King, one Village, One special" extended development .

Go to the market, this ancient society, the commercial trade practices, and now is still the country people the most important part of life, even as urbanization intensifies, the edge of towns and villages of the market in many cities has gradually weakened, but from the city relatively distant village, market day is still very lively. For large numbers of people in town who, for what is "go to the market" is still relatively unknown, especially after 80, 90 young people, but have had little experience, so this China Tours group more attractive.Food safety issues in the current period of high, people have no idea of the city eat anything, and can be had to eat every day or into the food market, the supermarket to buy food. In rural areas, farmers can safely grow their own vegetables, eating, food, eat and then get their own market and sell it. These pollution-free, original and cheap agricultural products to the city people have a strong attraction, tour one of the country go to the market the original intention is to attract city dwellers to the countryside to go to the market to buy their food.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Tours: China Top 100 Tourist Destinations

Recently, China's tourism industry first "hundred Chinese tourist attractions" release. Hundred scenic area list based on ticket sales across the country the amount of statistics to rank, Beijing Forbidden City with 12.3 million passengers in tourist accommodation topped the list, Wulingyuan China Travel core area, Beijing Summer Palace, followed by second place, third. Reporters learned from the organizing committee, the ranking list were the lowest threshold of 82 million people, Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum in Shaanxi Province Museum, Huaqing Pool, Mountain, Big Wild Goose Pagoda Great Mercy Temple, the tomb, Li Shan, Tang Paradise, Famen eight scenic spots list, Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum Museum of the highest ranking at No. 20.

Selected area from the terms of the number of provinces, Zhejiang, nine scenic selected list, is the most scenic provinces selected areas of China Tours the provinces; Shaanxi, Jiangsu provinces to eight scenic ENTRY tied for second with six scenic spots in Sichuan into list followed.For more information, please shift to China Tour


China Travel: Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Bridge and Tunnel Opens

At 14:00 on the 30th, the world's longest bridge --- Shandong Expressway Jiaozhou Bay Bridge, the longest tunnel --- Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay tunnel will be opened to traffic, "Green (Island) yellow (Island)" phase, "Green (Island) Red (Island)" connected, Qingdao will usher in the true sense of the bridge and tunnel era. Jiaozhou Bay Bridge a total length of 41.58 km, navigable waterways, including China Travel three bridges and two interchanges, and bridge approach road, Huangdao side of the wiring works and the red lines connect the island, is the world's longest cross-sea Bridge, the Shandong high-speed group investment, construction, operation and management. After the opening of Qingdao Huangdao distance can be shortened to 30 kilometers, take the ring Jiaozhou Bay Expressway 20 minutes to save the current prevailing minimum car fare $ 50.
Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Bridge, Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay tunnel opened to traffic, not only in Qingdao, Huangdao, Red Island, connected together, "hunger gap" will China Tours become history, Jiaozhou Bay Expressway will greatly ease the traffic pressure on the main city of Qingdao and Huangdao, Jiaonan district (city) between the "one-hour economic circle", for the Shandong Peninsula of people, materials also have a huge boost.For more information, please shift to China Tour