
2011 China Guizhou Tour Development

From the provincial to the county, each in charge of tourism leaders, are necessary to grasp a tourist project, and effectively promote tourism projects. All levels of development and reform, housing and urban construction, land resources, environmental protection, water conservancy, forestry and other related departments in the project preliminary work and construction process, to cooperate with each other tourism projects to optimize the environment. Pairs have been included in the planning of major tourism projects, the relevant departments to early intervention, active party as soon as possible to help make the project feasibility study, preliminary design, evaluation, approval for the record, planning, environmental assessment, land acquisition, etc., to do the preliminary work of deep, painstaking, and solid. To promote the process of major tourism projects encountered financial operations, land supply, planning and design, project approval and other issues, in consultation with relevant departments should actively coordinate to explore ways and means to solve the problem together to protect the smooth implementation of tourism projects, promote tourism project started early, early development, early production, early results. To create a dynamic tourism project management and project supervision system on a regular basis, to accelerate the development of tourism to achieve a new leap.

Huang Kangsheng affirmed in his speech in the first half of the achievements of tourism development in our province. He pointed out that all localities and all departments must follow the provincial government's "work to ensure that the economy was better in the second half of the first half of" requirements, focus on tourism brand image advertising, efforts to turn a good tourist reception facilities, quality of service quality Tourism promotion and the Sixth Conference of the preparatory work. Should speed up the tourism products of the project construction as the central task, big industrial scale, enhance the quality of industrial development, to build the core competitiveness of tourism. To the development of tourism in our province, "second five" plan to determine the construction of "the seven base" and tourism "Top Ten Project" for the lead and guide, to promote the products of the project construction. Should focus on the tourism industry to upgrade and expand capacity, improve facilities, enhance the taste, into a set of tourism, leisure and vacation in one of the tourist area. Leading cadres should take the lead in grasping the project, vigorously carry out tourism investment. Should seize the day, and never slack, to further strengthen the work style, work to strengthen measures to strengthen implement the plan, and promote the tourism development work to ensure that "five," the first re-development of tourism in the province a new level, a new leap forward.For more information, please shift to China Tour

