
China Travel: Saanxi Hubei Tourism Coorperation

Hubei Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Congress Chairman Li Hongzhong, Provincial Committee, Governor Wang Guosheng recently led a delegation on study tour of Shaanxi Province. Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Congress, Zhao Leji, Provincial China Travel Committee, Governor Zhao, accompanied visits, and attended two provinces exchange of economic and social development. Wang Guosheng, Zhao representing the two sides signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement, tourism and energy, rail transport, water with a cooperation of the four main contents.

Under the agreement, the two sides will strengthen the integration of tourism resources, arranged inter-provincial travel routes. Relying on the rapid transit network, open up the provinces tourist channels, arranged in the Three Gorges, Xi'an, ancient capital of focused international tours to Mount Wudang, terracotta-focused world heritage tours to Shennongjia, Qinling-focused eco-tourism circuit to the Dabie Mountains, Yan'an focused tours, and connect the red zone more than the adjacent provinces, "fickle" short tours. The two, China Tours sides will also strengthen the tourist interaction, joint promotional efforts. Provinces each destination, guide and organize tourism enterprises, industry associations, media study and promotion of other tourism products, the other major groups to participate in tourism activities and tourism trade fairs. Joint overseas exhibition promotions, jointly invite overseas visitors traveling salesman and the media together to expand domestic and overseas tourism market.

In addition, the provinces will strengthen the tourism exchanges, expand cooperation in tourism areas; to strengthen tourism planning interface adjacent to jointly promote the major tourism projects; exchange travel information, exchange experiences in tourism development.For more information, please shift to China Tour

