
Travel China Zhejiang Ocean Games

July 23 morning, wrestling with the seashore, coastal land speed skating, fishing and Tideland Tideland tires turn the end of the four events, Zhejiang Province, after the first two months of intense marine Games Competition, in Daishan Township slide show Theme Park Closes mud. Provincial Sports Bureau Li Yunlin, deputy director should Zuming regiment Provincial Committee Wang Zheng attended the closing ceremony. Vice Mayor Chen Songju a closing statement. Games of this total of Ocean Beach, the sea and the beach the three main stadium, 99 minutes and 23 major items of small items, a total of 3,500 from the province's athletes and coaches entered the competition. City of the team on the beach croquet, sea rescue, sea swimming and other projects achieved good results. Through the game, players around the province have forged a profound friendship.

Zhoushan, Ningbo, Wenzhou and other 17 teams won games this Provincial Oceanic Sportsmanship Award; in Hangzhou, Jiaxing, Shaoxing and other 15 representatives team won the Outstanding Organization Award; the team final standings will be announced shortly after the summary.Li Yunlin said by marine sports activities, can promote the awareness, protection and utilization of ocean awareness, the spirit of the times. The ongoing planning of marine sports in our province, held the first provincial marine Games is one of the group characteristics, the future will have gone out of existence. Closing ceremony, the Provincial Sports Bureau awarded Daishan "Zhejiang marine sports and leisure base" plaque. Xiu Shan was the League Committee awarded the "young marine practice base in Zhejiang Province." Daishan county government official says, by the contractor of this province has accumulated a certain amount of ocean sports event organizing experience, but also for the future games for marine contractors nationwide basis.

10:00, with Li Yunlin declared the Games closed sea, more than two months of the flame slowly burning off. Held immediately following the flag handover ceremony. Li Yunlin Provincial Oceanic Games flag will be handed Putuo District government responsible for the hands. Games will be the next province, Putuo District, marine contractor. Shipping will be closing, immediately held its seventh "China Blue • Xiushan Island Mud Carnival" opening ceremony. The leaders and guests took to the stage in the mud on the graffiti board printed its own fingerprint, thus promoting environmental protection, the importance of low-carbon life.

After the opening ceremony held in wonderful performances. "Dance mud flying," "mud best wins" "NI graffiti as" ... one of "mud" as the theme of cultural programs to further heighten the "I'm mad as mud, fitness" activity concept. Daishan show China Ocean Township, as the birthplace of sport on the beach mud, mud opened up China tour precedent. It is reported that Xiushan Island mud carnival have been held for sixth, each year attracts visitors from all over the country after another, enjoying the sea bathing, feel the joy of movement.For more information, please shift to China Tour

