
China Wine Culture Festival

July 23, wines by the International Cultural Communication Center of the fourth international cultural festival of wine, the Italian Foreign Trade Council, Dongyang City People's Government, the French and Australian wine industry bodies, the authority of the domestic wine industry bodies and a number of units strong support, "China's woodcarving" Dongyang grand opening.

9:00, representatives from domestic and foreign wine companies and wine six hundred people at home and abroad gathered together to participate in cultural exchanges between the Fourth International Wine Festival opening ceremony. At the opening ceremony, former French Prime Minister / Special Envoy of the Independent Commissioner for the incumbent president, Mr. Jack, Mr. Raffarin has brought this festival to the cause to the video message, congratulating the Fourth International Energy have held wine culture, thanks to a large organizer week spread wine culture and wine, as always, is to contribute to the Sino-French cultural exchange. Italian Trade Commission Representative Mr. Fu Tai, a former Australian leader of the Liberal Party coalition, Mr. Sen John repair the CPC Jinhua Municipal Committee / Dongyang Party Secretary Zhang Zhongcan at the opening ceremony made ​​an important speech. Fourth International Wine Festival to "into the organic era" as the theme, brought together domestic and international organic wine industry body, the organic food sector, industry, media organizations, and representatives of domestic and international wine experts, to discuss common development, promoting organic wine industry. EU-China Cultural Exchange Association, Food and Wine, vice president of the Italian Association for Organic Agriculture Deputy Secretary-General, Mr. Sergio Ma Kai Xini, China Organic Food Certification Center Deputy Director Mr. Li Xianjun, bringing foreign guests for on-site organic wine and domestic organic food industry information. At the same time, China Agricultural University, internationally renowned scholar Li Hua wine organic wine on the development of the industry to propose new ideas. Fourth International Wine Festival, guests at the international and domestic guests to open the champagne, toast together into the next part.For more information, please shift to China Tour

