
China Tours: Si Mu Wu Ding Museum

According to the China Art Research Institute of Han Shuqing Yan Douwen introduced Si Mu Wu Ding of the late Shang Dynasty royal bronze ceremonial vessels, are ever found the world's largest and heaviest bronze. 1939 village unearthed in Anyang military attache, was by China Travel several Tomb of the villagers first found, after a business trying to buy 200,000 ocean, but much too heavy tripod, moving difficulties, only to give up, and re-planted Avoid found by other people. In June 1946, was re-dug, the end of October the same year, President Chiang Kai-shek to celebrate the 60 birthday of national government, the garrison arrived in Nanjing with a bus to take it for longevity, Jiang instructions made available to save the Preparatory Office of the Central Museum. The national government eventually the weight of the problem is not due to its export to Taiwan. After the founding of New China, Ding stored in the Nanjing Museum, Museum of Chinese History in 1959, referred to as the "greatest treasures", its image has become the emblem of the National Museum of the Museum.

As the Si Mu Wu Ding solemn and beautiful decoration, superb delicate process, so the history of Chinese civilization and world bronze in the history plays China Tours an important role. The copy on display in the Museum of Chinese History tripod for visitors, a precious collection of genuine artifacts never seen by others. In September 2005, to meet the United Nations World Heritage experts to inspect the assessment of the Yin Ruins, and let the world see the Si Mu Wu Ding of the true capacity, the National Museum of Anyang City and an agreement reached by the exhibition, seconded Si Mu Wu Ding public display.For more information, please shift to China Tour

