
China Tour: Beichuan Earthquake Museum

Yesterday (12), was informed, including the old town of Beichuan earthquake site, including Beichuan earthquake memorial recently selected for the national list of classic scenic spots of red tourism.

According to reports, "5.12" earthquake, the old town of Beichuan as the original site of the world's most devastating earthquake to save the China Travel, ruins, is the spiritual home of Sichuan Province, to determine the post-disaster reconstruction "Hall three," the important part is the declared Department identified as "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake "three bases a window", the national patriotism education bases.

June 2009, Mianyang Tangjiashan lake management-cum-old town of Beichuan protection command (hereinafter referred to as the command) set out to complete the preparation by the Shanghai Tongji University, "Memorial and Beichuan earthquake in Beichuan earthquake site protection plan" and "Beichuan earthquake site protection plan", the Provincial Department of Culture, Seismological Bureau, Cultural Relics China Tours Bureau review to be approved.

In early 2010, according to headquarters, "authenticity, reversible, grade classification, minimum intervention," the principle of protection, accelerate the protection project, visit the memorial facilities construction work. Up to now, worked in the old town of Beichuan Weijiagou around, I Ravine, rice Ditch, built to take the stone trench Weijiagou dam as the representative of 26 dams; installed 13,912 m2 of fence; built old town diversion dikes, levees, closure ditch protection projects, blocking the flood, mudslides, landslides and other natural disasters, the impact of the earthquake site.For more information, please shift to China Tour

