
China Red Tour Cooperations

Economic and social development in the provinces at the cooperation and exchanges, said Li Hongzhong by inspection, by the rich red Jiangxi resources, precious spiritual wealth and strong development momentum of the infection, he stressed that further study of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone in green development "Jiangxi experience ", and to China Travel, further strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the two provinces to jointly promote the development of the Yangtze River city group made ​​constructive comments and suggestions. Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Congress proposed to give full play the main Ren Surong provinces of tourism resources, cooperation, mutual recommended tourism products and routes to each other tourist destinations, and to expand the tourism market. Give full play to the two provinces, especially the classic red, green, the color of ancient culture of the "three color" tourism resources, tourist routes and docking to further strengthen the tourism product development co-operation.

Period in Jiangxi, Hubei Tourism Bureau Zhang Dahua an interview, emphasizing the Hubei and Jiangxi provinces are red tourism resources in the province, Jiangxi red tourism will be the soul of the red, green beauty, the special patina blend, resulting in a strong vitality worth Hubei learning. Meanwhile, the provinces are the landscape, cultural China Tours resources in the province, Hubei East Lake, Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Liangzihu and walk the road of green tourism development; Wudang Mountain in Hubei, Jiangxi is famous Taoist Mountains, renowned at home and abroad, in "patina" of tourism have in common. Provinces in the tourist routes and docking, tourism development experience exchange market to push each other, send each other source has great room for cooperation. Tourism department, said the two provinces will further strengthen the "tri-color" depth of cooperation in tourism, tourism province provinces were pushing construction.For more information, please shift to China Tour

